Community Advisory Boards
UCSF BHHI convened three community advisory boards (CABS) to collaborate with our researchers and staff throughout the duration of the California Statewide Survey of People Experiencing Homelessness.
Together, these community advisors play a vital role in:
- Providing input into survey question design, sampling, and data collection strategies
- Helping craft best practices for community engagement across the counties where we conducted the survey
- Illuminating blind spots and providing feedback on issues our survey team may have missed or misinterpreted
- Interpreting study findings, shaping policy recommendations, and framing our data for maximum impact
Lived Expertise Advisory Board
The Lived Expertise Advisory Board is comprised of people with current or past experiences of homelessness living across the State of California. The members of this advisory board are our trusted collaborators through every step of the survey process from framing our research questions and compassionately entering each community, to targeting hard to reach populations and interpreting our findings.
Learning Collaborative Advisory Board
The Learning Collaborative Advisory Board is comprised of representatives from each of the eight continuums of care in which we conducted our survey. These practitioners, service providers, policymakers, and community members lent their expertise to support our survey design process, help us learn quickly on the ground, and collaboratively catalyze broad community-based impact.
Policy and Practice Advisory Board
The Policy and Practice Advisory Board is comprised of partners from local, state, and national government as well as representatives from service providers and advocacy groups. This group of advisors are working on issues related to homelessness and housing both inside and outside of the counties surveyed. They provide critical reflections and strategic partnership with regards to framing and interpreting our findings for maximum impact.
Kara Young Ponder, PhD
Director of Community Engagement & Racial Justice, Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative