The Learning Collaborative Advisory Board was a coalition of county-level actors in the eight counties where we conducted the CASPEH. These advisors lent their expertise to support our study design process, helped us learn quickly on the ground, and collaboratively catalyzed broad community-based impact. Members of this CAB include representatives from the Continuum of Care boards, non-profit organizations, and service providers involved in the implementation of the study. These practitioners helped our research team: 

  1. understand local contexts and politics pre-fieldwork 
  2. develop and implement best practices around study administration 
  3. strategize on the implementation of the survey and qualitative research 
  4. troubleshoot with our team while on the ground
  5. alongside our LEAB members, coordinate report-backs with their communities to optimize outreach and community engagement. 


Kara Young Ponder, PhD
Director of Community Engagement & Racial Justice, Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative 
Email: Xnen.Cbaqre@hpfs.rqhude.fscu@rednoP.araK