Our Approach

The UCSF Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative leverages strategic science to educate future housing leaders and inform policy decision-makers on homelessness. Our partnerships help us create lasting positive change within the communities most affected by homelessness and housing instability across the United States.
Strategic Science & Community-Engaged Research
We strive to reduce the burden of homelessness, using a combined framework of strategic science and community-engaged research to inform perspectives, policies, and practices. Designed to address gaps in knowledge important to policy decision-making, strategic science depends on the reciprocal exchange of information between researchers, policymakers, and practitioners. In community-engaged research, researchers and community members collaborate as equals through all phases of the research process.

Educating Future Leaders
Our education programs prepare and inspire future leaders to design innovative solutions for ending homelessness and housing instability.

Informing Policy
We provide evidence-based policy solutions to reduce and end homelessness locally and nationwide.