Mark Hawes, MSW, PhD
Mark Hawes, PhD, MSW, is a mixed methods social work researcher focused on eliminating barriers to tobacco and substance use treatment among unhoused communities and those living in permanent supportive housing. He holds a joint appointment as a post-doctoral fellow at the UCSF Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative (BHHI) and the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education (CTCRE). Dr. Hawes is currently working on a mixed-methods study with permanent supportive housing residents that seeks to understand treatment needs centered on the co-use of tobacco with other substances. The goal is to increase the availability of services that integrate tobacco and substance use treatment. He is also working on a study evaluating points of system contact (e.g., ED, navigation center, jail) for people who are unhoused and use tobacco to inform place-based tobacco treatments. Dr. Hawes earned his doctorate in Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis, Brown School of Social Work, where he was funded by the NIMH as a T32 Pre-Doctoral Fellow. He is also a licensed clinical social worker with experience working in safety-net hospitals on the behavioral health service, medical-surgical service, and emergency departments.