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Injury Patterns and Hospital Admission After Trauma Among People Experiencing Homelessness
JAMA Network Open
June 23, 2023
Our Research
Injury Patterns and Hospital Admission After Trauma Among People Experiencing Homelessness
JAMA Network Open
June 23, 2023
Traumatic injury is a major cause of morbidity for people experiencing homelessness (PEH), however, injury patterns and subsequent hospitalization among PEH have not been studied on a national scale. In this national retrospective observational cohort study, researchers evaluated whether differences in mechanisms of injury exist between PEH and housed trauma patients in North America and whether the lack of housing is associated with increased adjusted odds of hospital admission. Researchers found that injured PEH had a significantly adjusted greater odds of hospital admissions.
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Our Research
"I Needed for You to See What I'm Talking About": Experiences With Telehealth Among Homeless-Experienced Older Adults
Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine
May 6, 2023
Our Research
"I Needed for You to See What I'm Talking About": Experiences With Telehealth Among Homeless-Experienced Older Adults
Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine
May 6, 2023
Little is known how older adults with a current or recent experience of homelessness navigated the switch to telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers examined the perceptions and use of telehealth, sampling from a larger longitudinal study on homeless-experienced adults in Oakland, CA. They found that the participants experienced challenges accessing the necessary technologies for telehealth.
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Our Research
Cluster Analysis of the Highest Users of Medical, Behavioral Health, and Social Services in San Francisco
Journal of General Internal Medicine
April 1, 2023
Our Research
Cluster Analysis of the Highest Users of Medical, Behavioral Health, and Social Services in San Francisco
Journal of General Internal Medicine
April 1, 2023
This study from BHHI researchers describes five distinct subgroups of the highest users of the health care system in San Francisco with differential comorbidities, health care needs, and social determinants of health, spanning from patients with medical comorbidities solely using medical services to patients grappling with housing insecurity, incarceration, substance use disorder, and mental health comorbidities. Frequent users of the health care system are not a homogenous population as previously thought. This study sheds new light on how to help the most vulnerable patients and inform clinicians and care coordination teams on making sure patients get the care they need the most.
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Our Research
Characterizing Patients Hospitalized Without an Acute Care Indication: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Journal of Hospital Medicine
April 1, 2023
Our Research
Characterizing Patients Hospitalized Without an Acute Care Indication: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Journal of Hospital Medicine
April 1, 2023
Patients with prolonged hospitalizations often require alternative levels of care (ALC) and there stays strain hospital capacity and patient flow. This study aimed to descriptively compare prolonged ALC and short ALC. Researchers found that patients with prolonged ALC were more likely to be older and have experienced homelessness. Furthermore, prolonged ALC patients were more likely to be admitted for acute care and had greater psychosocial complexity.
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