Jared Martin, PhD
Jared Martin, PhD, received his doctorate from Ohio State University in Human Development and Family Science. His research focus covers two areas: (1) housing and related supportive interventions for youth and families experiencing homelessness and housing instability, and (2) implementation science in human service organizations. His dissertation used mixed methods to understand the influence of system-level factors on the adoption of evidence-based practices among organizations serving youth and young adults experiencing homelessness. He has also conducted research on youth attitudes toward service providers, a tailored Housing First approach for youth populations, and implementation of a cross-system intervention to support vulnerable families with co-occurring needs. Jared recently served as the 2022 Student Conference Chair on the board of the Society for Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC). Jared's research interests are informed by his experience working in housing and outreach programs for youth populations and at training and technical assistance providers dedicated to advancing use of evidence-based practices for children and families in California.