Erin Hartman, MS
For media inquiries, please contact OUUVzrqvn@hpfs.rqhude.fscu@aidemIHHB
Erin Hartman, MS, is BHHI's Director of Communications. Prior to joining the staff of UCSF BHHI, Ms. Hartman worked in the UCSF Division of Hospital Medicine as Project Director and Editorial Director for AHRQ Patient Safety Network/WebM&M, a pioneering online patient safety journal and weekly news service advocating worldwide patient safety improvement. Before that, she was Managing Editor of the groundbreaking Clinical Crossroads series in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). She has substantively edited more than 1000 articles published in the medical literature. She received a BA in Linguistics from the University of Michigan with High Honors and High Distinction (magna cum laude) and an MS in Mass Communication from Boston University. At the Harvard School of Public Health, she studied epidemiology and biostatistics.