- A new poll captures the anger and frustration of Los Angeles residents in the face of rising homelessness. One disturbing finding: Support for prioritizing permanent housing over temporary shelter seems to be eroding as the crisis wears on.
- 1,500 unhoused residents have died on the streets of Los Angeles over the course of the pandemic. Again: 1,500 people.
- This Netflix documentary on homelessness—released on Tuesday—looks terrific.
- Another troubling poll finding out of Los Angeles County: Nearly one-half of Black residents “have been homeless, have experienced housing insecurity in the past year or know someone who has.”
- A good Los Angeles Times column on the city’s political climate regarding homelessness.
- A skeptical take on the “right to housing” proposal in Sacramento.
- San Francisco is America’s second-densest city. But don’t be fooled: this is mostly a reflection of how not dense urban America happens to be. The city of Paris, for example, is roughly three times denser than San Francisco.
- Darrell Owens on the Bay Area crime wave, including some reflections on the prison-to-homelessness pipeline.
- The Southern California News Group gives California a failing grade on affordable housing.
- Lastly, Jerusalem Demsas on how she stopped worrying and learned to love rent control.