Turning evidence into action to prevent and end homelessness
The UCSF Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative (BHHI) provides accurate, timely, policy-oriented research about homelessness for local, state, and national policymakers and practitioners.

Groundbreaking BHHI Study
The California Statewide Study of People Experiencing Homelessness
The UCSF Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative (BHHI) has released the largest representative study of homelessness in the United States since the mid-1990s, providing a comprehensive look at the causes and consequences of homelessness in California and recommending policy changes to shape programs in response.

New Report
Behavioral Health & Homelessness
Behavioral health challenges both contribute to and are exacerbated by homelessness. To better understand behavioral health and homelessness, we examined data from the California Statewide Study of People Experiencing Homelessness. Our latest report examines the relationship between homelessness, substance use, and mental health, providing critical insights for policymakers, program leaders, Continuum of Care leaders, and healthcare systems.
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